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The Foundation supports programs within its areas of focus that align directly with community needs and have shown effectiveness in meeting them.  We prioritize collaborative, community-based and interactive programs.

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Programs expanding access to the arts and humanities for groups that otherwise lack these opportunities.

Programs supporting creative education, at any stage of life, through libraries, museums, schools, universities, and other institutions. 

Programs advancing public health and well-being for generally underserved communities, through research or direct services. 

Operating Support

Offered to smaller partner organizations of several years’ standing. Operational grants may be requested for time-limited needs or ongoing growth and stability. 

Capacity-building, Endowment, Capital

These awards are made less frequently, but may be considered in some circumstances, by invitation only.

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How we fund

The Foundation operates an annual grant-making cycle. Grant decisions are made in late November, and awards are issued in December.

●    Single year — New applicants are eligible only for one-year grants, on a calendar basis. Following a successful first grant, an organization will generally be invited to re-apply.

●    Multi year — This program invites selected organizations to apply for funding across 2 or 3 consecutive years.

●    Future Leaders —  Supplemental, small grants are available to help active grantees expand the diversity of their leadership. Awards are given for individual development opportunities that would otherwise not be accessible. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis during the grant’s calendar year.



The Bloomfield Family Foundation
US Bank, ATTN Logan Rhind
P.O. Box 3168 Portland, OR 97208
503-464-4164 (fax)
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